

Huachen Automotive Group Holdings Co. Ltd., known for its brand name Brilliance Auto Group, is a Chinese automobile manufacturer headquartered in Shenyang.
[6] Its products include automobiles, microvans, and automotive components.
[7] Its principal activity is the design, development, manufacture and sale of passenger cars sold under the Brilliance brand. Brilliance Auto Group holds a 42.32% shareholding in the Bermuda-incorporated Brilliance China Automotive Holdings Limited (commonly known as Brilliance Auto or Brilliance China), which is listed on the Frankfurt and Hong Kong stock exchanges.
[8] Brilliance China Automotive Holdings in turn holds 25% of BMW Brilliance, a joint venture with BMW which produces, distributes and sells BMW passenger cars in mainland China. 
The listed company also holds a 51% stake of Renault Brilliance Jinbei, a joint venture with Renault which designs, develops, manufactures and sells light commercial vehicles under the Jinbei, Huasong and Renault brands. In 2010, Brilliance Auto Group and its subsidiaries had an annual production capacity of 800,000 vehicles[9] although capacity has come online since. In 2012, the company manufactured almost 650,000 vehicles, the 8th-largest production of any Chinese vehicle maker that year.[10] Roughly 70% of production was consumer sedans

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