It was founded by Henry Ford and incorporated on June 16, 1903. The company sells automobiles and commercial vehicles under the Ford brand, and luxury cars under its Lincoln luxury brand. Ford also owns Brazilian SUV manufacturer Troller, an 8% stake in Aston Martin of the United Kingdom and a 32% stake in China’s Jiangling Motors.[6] It also has joint-ventures in China (Changan Ford), Taiwan (Ford Lio Ho), Thailand (AutoAlliance Thailand), Turkey (Ford Otosan), and Russia (Ford Sollers).
The company is listed on the New York Stock Exchange and is controlled by the Ford family; they have minority ownership but the majority of the voting power.
[7][5] Ford introduced methods for large-scale manufacturing of cars and large-scale management of an industrial workforce using elaborately engineered manufacturing sequences typified by moving assembly lines; by 1914, these methods were known around the world as Fordism.
Ford's former UK subsidiaries Jaguar and Land Rover, acquired in 1989 and 2000 respectively, were sold to the Indian automaker Tata Motors in March 2008.
Ford owned the Swedish automaker Volvo from 1999 to 2010.[8] In 2011, Ford discontinued the Mercury brand, under which it had marketed entry-level luxury cars in the United States, Canada, Mexico, and the Middle East since 1938.
Ford Excursion - News - Page 5
مع اقتراب العام على نهايته تسارع الكثير من شركات السيارات لتقديم عروض على موديلاتها للانتهاء منها قبل تقديم الموديلات الجديدة. [...]
نيسان قشقاي . . أفضل SUV متوسطة الحجم مستعملة
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تراجع جديد في أسعار نيسان قشقاي في مصر
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ارتفاع أسعار نيسان قشقاي 10000 جنيه في فبراير
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لكل عشاق نيسان في مصر وملاك موديلات 2018 منها تتوفر خدمات مجانية لمساعدة الطريق لمدة 3 سنوات في مصر. [...]
هل يمكن لكم أن تفكروا في شراء سيارة نيسان الجديدة باترول التي يتجاوز سعرها 3.5 مليون جنيه؟ [...]
تعرفوا علي مواصفات وامكانيات نيسان قشقاي في مصر
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